From our Pastor

More About First Baptist Church Waynesboro

From the Pastor


You are here at this place on the website I hope because you have an interest in knowing who we are, what we believe, and how you can connect with us. You can click on “What we Believe” and read our Affirmations and Denials statement. I hope you will. It is what all of our Elders have worked on and agreed on together as the doctrinal statement that will govern who we are and how we lead as the spiritual leaders of our church family. Our church family is asked to affirm as a Southern Baptist Congregation the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. You can then move over to the next tab and see how you can contact us and begin to connect with us. Glad you are here.

 But who are we? Well, it will take time for us to get to know you just as it will take time for you to get to know us. But here is the short version. We are a Southern Baptist Church committed to what is the historically solid confessional faith of Southern Baptists from our earliest days as it is expressed in the doctrines of grace. We seek to worship God in a way that is prescribed for us in His Word. We seek to preach the Bible so that the main point of the sermon is the main point of the Biblical text being preached. We seek to make the Gospel clear in every time of worship in order to call sinners to repentance while praying that the Holy Spirit would edify the church. We seek to pray often in our times of worship, to read Scripture in our time of worship and to sing songs that communicate the Truth of Scripture. What we do in Lord’s Day Worship morning and evening forms and fashions who we are and what we are about the rest of the week. And what is that?

 We want to be faithful followers of Jesus who worship God with a passion that ignites a passionate pursuit of people during the week to call them to come to Jesus as we seek to see people saved and grow in what it means to be a follower of Jesus. We desire to be disciples who will make disciples both where we are, where we are called to go and wherever our Southern Baptist Brothers and Sisters are serving God all over the world.

 This is who we are, but not perfectly or purely. We are a broken people whose only hope and healer is Jesus. We are a fragile people who need daily the grace of God and the encouragement that we can give to each other. We are a fallen people who are fully dependent on the grace of God in Jesus Christ alone to save us, to secure us and to shape us to be for the glory of God all that we are called to be. Thanks for checking in. Why not check us out.

 Pastor Al

Join us!


Sunday School 9:15 am
Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 am
AWANA – Sunday Evening 5:30 pm
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Wednesday Family Meal 5:00 pm
Wednesday Bible Study/Youth & Kids Activities 6:00 pm

Sunday Worship

Sunday School 9:15 am

Morning Worship 10:30 am

Awana 5:30 pm

Youth 5:30 pm

Evening Worship 6:00 pm

Wednesday Worship

Family Meal 5:00 pm

Bible Study (all ages) 6:00 pm


853 N Liberty St, Waynesboro, GA 30830

(706) 554-5156