

Your Generosity Matters

Sunday Morning Worship Service
Just place your check or cash in the offering during the worship service. For your convenience offering envelopes are available in the pew pockets. You can request offering envelopes that will be sent to your home address monthly. Please contact the church office (706-554-5156). Using the envelopes does help the financial secretary. You may mail offering to First Baptist Church as well.

Online Giving (through E-Giving OR Givelify)
This safe and flexible option is an easy way to give to First Baptist Church. This method allows you to schedule a recurring or one-time gift charged to your debit or credit card. Here you can easily manage your giving amount and specify where the funds should be applied.


Sunday Worship

Sunday School 9:15 am

Morning Worship 10:30 am

Awana 5:30 pm

Youth 5:30 pm

Evening Worship 6:00 pm

Wednesday Worship

Family Meal 5:00 pm

Bible Study (all ages) 6:00 pm


853 N Liberty St, Waynesboro, GA 30830

(706) 554-5156